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OHD is Organized Human Degradation.

People of OHD are on the opposing side of most issues that people of faith support. OHD people enjoy mocking people who believe in God.

by Dodagood September 6, 2009

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


SIMA is self-induced mental abuse. (see ma)

Most victims and complainers are persons of SIMA.
I think stupidly, therefore I SIMA.
Bad habits are various forms of SIMA.
SIMA is as SIMA does.
Γ’Β€ΒœSome women believe SIMA men can be retrained. These women never succeed because they evidently have SIMA also.Ҁ

by Dodagood September 7, 2009

39πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž