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Doggo (meme noun) Daw•g•go
Doggo is a slang term for the dog. A doggo is a full-size pupper. Internet users often use the picture of doggo to show how he is a good boy. There are many types of doggos such as common doggo, snip snip doggo, and other ones.

Person 1: Have your seen that meme
Person 2: Yeah that doggo is a good boy

by DoggoSaysBork June 4, 2017

197👍 59👎

Common Doggo

Common Doggo (meme noun) Caw•man Daw•g•go
A common doggo is part of the many varieties of doggos. But common doggos are more abundant than special doggos. Common doggos often include doggos such as Shiba Inu.

Person 1: Wow that's a common doggo
Person 2: He's a good boy

by DoggoSaysBork June 4, 2017