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Love Buzz

This phenomena occurs when the person you love causes you to peak with a romantic sensation and has you reflecting all day on how lovely everything is or how good everything can be , realizing there's a huge potential for something really special. In this case, the other person has your heart and should expect the best intentions from you.

Sabrinna looked so beautiful last night, we ate some good food and spend some quality time together , has me stuck in a love buzz the following day.

by DonJuanM February 24, 2019

a good thing

Something that is pure and true beyond a reasonable doubt. "A good thing" has the best intentions for you and your complete interests in mind. Although a person is never perfect "a good thing" is seldom to come by and ultimately this person will never betray you even in the slightest. This scenario is always worth fighting for.

She realized she had found a good thing and would not surrender it for the world.

Eph. 5:25 "...He gave up his life for her"

by DonJuanM March 16, 2020

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