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Omni-piss refers to the activity of drinking in extreme excess and the full immersion in aspects such as, location of piss, company in which you are on this piss, substance both legal and illegal, and unequivocal dedication to the overall cause.

Slouched and hungover, Sebastian turns to Bloomers and remarks:
"Last night was remarkable, truly an Omni-piss"
Bloomers concurred affectionately and then proceeded to vomit into the sink for the remaining sunlight hours

by DopeDickFuckChick May 17, 2020

Wooden plank

Refers to a man or woman who is inept at interacting in sexual intercourse due to excess of alcohol, particularly in the case of the man.

Gertrude turned to Ernest and said;
“Fuck me you are a wooden plank aren’t you, how much have you had to drink”
Ernest frowned solemnly and preceded to dress himself and take a cab home.

by DopeDickFuckChick January 20, 2021


quasi-dope refers to a situation or individual that appears not to be 'dope', but is infact quite dope. It means they are implicitly dope, and unaware of perhaps how dope they come across as being.
So in hindsight, you may look back at a situation and realize that actually, that was dope.

Johnny McGuire entered into the piss, with a new shirt on
Jack looked over at the Scou and remarked 'that's quasi-dope, don't you think'

by DopeDickFuckChick May 16, 2020