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1. A creature invented by Strong Bad which resembles a 7-8 foot tall pig. In the game Peasant's Quest, it is necessary to kill one to make progress in the game after you take archery lessons.

2. A derrogatory term for an ugly or stupid person.

1. Kerreks are the most common way to die in Peasants Quest.

2. Person 1: (in a bar)"Oh, shit, Kerrek 10 o'clock."
Person 2: (accross the room) "God damn, you are one ugly bitch!"

by Doreauxgard August 28, 2007

6👍 1👎

chilli dog

The act of tittyfucking a chick after giving her a Cleveland Steamer.

Stacy: "I'm hungry. I could go for a chilli dog for lunch."

Mark: "I'm there! You strip down, I'll go take some Exlax!"

Stacy: "....What?"

by Doreauxgard August 28, 2007

444👍 224👎


THE best word to shout out in a classroom when the teacher leaves the room.

Oh, and the skin that houses the male genitalia.

(Teacher hangs up phone) Teacher: Ok I'll be right back.
Student: SCROTUM!!!!

by Doreauxgard September 1, 2007

768👍 452👎