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To move or drag one's rear end along the ground or floor. Mostly used to describe the motion a dog performs after a bowl movement to wipe off excess excrement -- using the front legs to pull his body along while in a sitting position.

Also spelled "skooch"

The dog lifted both his feet when he scooched his buttocks across the grass.

by Dorothy June 19, 2006

37πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Majorly unbelievable with a negative connotation.

You come with a great idea at work and your boss takes all the credit and even those who were there when you came up with it are willing to give him credit.

by Dorothy December 13, 2003

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Avante garde conceptual artist who added a political, earth-loving edge to the music of a Beatle she married, giving up her personal fame, until his assasination, when she grieved with all of us through music, and eventually re-emerged into art "in her own write", and as his loving, loyal archivist. One who does not compromise her integrity, who loves eternally, who is a sister always.

"Hang in there like Yoko"
"Loving him like Yoko"
"Strong as Yoko"
"Brilliant as Yoko"

by Dorothy April 24, 2005

4182πŸ‘ 212πŸ‘Ž


Term for breast implants.

I was attracted to Linda's big boobs, until I found out she had airbags.

by Dorothy November 14, 2004

37πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Ebonics name

n. - Personal name popular with African Americans or found exclusively in African American communities.

For girls, Ebonics names typically follow the pattern of three syllables with the stress on the second vowel. This may be accomplished by adding a prefix to a mainstream, two-syllable name, or by inventing a name from scratch. Less commonly, a two-syllable name is made by adding a syllable to the ending "-elle."

For boys, Ebonics names are often names formerly popular with whites. Otherwise, they are two syllable names with the stress on the second syllable. This pattern can be achieved by adding a prefix to a single-syllable mainstream name, or by inventing a name by combining two syllables. As with girls, a boy's name can also be formed with the "-el" (notice masculine spelling) ending.

Invented Ebonics names often begin with the syllables La/Le, Da/De, or Sha/She.

Bessie grandbabies all have Ebonics names: LaTanya, LaWanda, Deneka, Chantelle, Calvin, Reggie, Demond, Lamont, Montel, and DeWayne.

by Dorothy May 17, 2005

75πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


adj. - referring to the outward manifestations of Jewish identity such as appearance, clothes, accent, or religious observance.

"Rachel broke up with Dan. Even though he was Jewish, his red hair and Gentile friends just weren't Jewy enough for her."

by Dorothy April 20, 2008

108πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A purple creature that will sometimes make its rounds in the malaysian forests of Timbuktoo.

Do not feed the Dorothy

by Dorothy March 2, 2005

45πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž