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The best person to ever exist. Enjoys eating ham, and watching top tier anime that his friend Dougelo provided to him. Also TheBigChuckk is a piece of garbage and is a waste of life and no one will ever love him because he is an unwanted piece of ham. Valuator is above all other beings in the universe.

TheBigChuckk: Hey Chonk you know that valuator guy.

Chonk: yah he is an amazing being unlike you, you garbage piece of unwanted hotdog skin

by Dougelo March 25, 2022

1👍 1👎

Meeke Meeke

“Meeke Meeke” means whatever you want it to mean in that moment in time. Is usually said in a high pitch voice.

John: your mom does not love you

Billy : Meeke Meeke

by Dougelo April 15, 2021

25👍 1👎