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The best person to ever exist. Enjoys eating ham, and watching top tier anime that his friend Dougelo provided to him. Also TheBigChuckk is a piece of garbage and is a waste of life and no one will ever love him because he is an unwanted piece of ham. Valuator is above all other beings in the universe.

TheBigChuckk: Hey Chonk you know that valuator guy.

Chonk: yah he is an amazing being unlike you, you garbage piece of unwanted hotdog skin

by Dougelo March 25, 2022

1👍 1👎

Cum Valuation

The Cum Valuation is the value your cum holds, which can be found in the stickiness, thickness, colour, sperm cells and amount of cum presented to the Cum Evaluator

Chad: Nice cum valuation bro, its real thick!

William: thanks bro, its all thanks to No Nut November

by William Donelly May 17, 2021

6👍 1👎