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A plump gut which hangs like a sack due to constant feeding. Usually bulbous and hairy.

Look at his garloid! That thing has to be sluthering city BBQ and General Tso’s chicken on the daily.

by DrRajMahal October 23, 2022


(Verb) the act of gorging on food with sloppy, dripping ferocity and speed.

Johnny can’t breathe he’s sluthering a Crave Case from White Castle right now

by DrRajMahal October 23, 2022


A place of hazy, disturbing confusion. Home of vampires and metaverse travelers. Being in Waterloo means you are half asleep and sleep walking at the same time.

He’s not making any sense now. He’s in Waterloo.

by DrRajMahal October 23, 2022

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