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A prostitute who works while under lockdown

John: I saw Jane last night standing on the corner
Joe: Yeah she's a real covidcunt

by Dracophile September 26, 2020


Someone who claims to be an expert on COVID-19.

Marty: Don knows literally everything about Covid-19
George: Yeah he's a real covid101

by Dracophile September 26, 2020


Someone who is sexually attracted to dragons.

She was such a dracophile at heart, loving to touch herself while watching her dragons eat, sleep and play.

by Dracophile September 2, 2014

64👍 6👎

covid slut

Someone who doesn't practice social distancing

Damo: Last night I fucked that street whore for a half hour straight!
Richie: Yeah your a real covid slut.

by Dracophile September 26, 2020


A slang term for methamphetamine that is uniquely used in New Zealand. P refers to peudoephidrine the precursor drug often used to manufacture methamphetamine.

John: Mike's got some good bags of P. We will be up for days!
David: Let's score and get on it!

by Dracophile July 24, 2018

65👍 25👎


A word that has been defined.

Jill: Is dafined a real word?
Jack: I dunno. Check it out on Urban dictionary.

by Dracophile September 26, 2020