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2.casuing more discomfort than pleasure
3.used up, or damaged past desirable use.

(1. or 2.)That party we went to last night in Albuquerque without electricity was chude.

(3.,1.) Brah, there is no fuckin way im going to rent these chude skiis from this chude shop.

by Dreeks August 26, 2005

12👍 16👎


1. A hispanic or spanish or mexican or latino or chicano man that defends his barrio from outsiders.
2. A hispanic or spanish or mexican or latino or chicano man that fights to preserve his cultures way of living whether that be with guns, knives, or political influence

(2.) Texans and Californians are taking over Santa Fe, New Mexico with the help of greedy developers, but not if we can get a pachuco into office to defend the barrio!

by Dreeks December 5, 2005

78👍 143👎