Source Code


A last name of royalty.

Edward Delelio

by Dudeness August 26, 2003

7👍 16👎

Paint Brush


To smack someone across the face with generous force, either backhand or forward.

He crossed the line and that broad paint brushed him 3 times in a row.

by Dudeness September 5, 2005

28👍 14👎


when a girl clinches youre dick so hard with her vagina that she can spin arond and not fall off

Man, last night my girl did a spinner

by Dudeness December 5, 2003

29👍 94👎

Pie Face

To shove someone forcefully, but by the face as opposed to the chest or shoulders. Derived from the cartoon action of smashing a pie in someone's face.

He tried to grab my hat so I pie faced him.

by Dudeness September 5, 2005

56👍 73👎


someone who has been banned 250+ times and still comes back kicking

that Unreal over on Xbox.com has been around the block several times!

by Dudeness December 2, 2003

14👍 3👎