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carpet eater

someone who eats vagina.

What a carpet eater

Etymology: from the latin term "Carpe Diem"

by DutchRutterlover April 3, 2009

71👍 44👎


Interjection: used by ninja turtles to express negative feelings of surprise or sometimes pain.

We're out of pizza and the footclan stole Mike. SHELLSHOCK!

by DutchRutterlover April 6, 2009

61👍 31👎


C.R.A.F.T. is an acronym for the phrase "Can't Remember Fucking Thing". It is also the name of one of the worst bands to bless the planet. They take classic Irish tunes and then proceed to make the crapiest shuffle rock you've ever heard. Ironically, you'll never be able to forget the band because, honestly, who can forget three guys shitting in your ear?

Son: Mommy, who is that playing that music?

Mother: Why that's C.R.A.F.T. dear.

Son: When I grow up I also want to be part of the shittiest band ever created.

by DutchRutterlover December 12, 2010

3👍 13👎


That part of you're body that gets irritated when you're being a piece of shit.

George: Are you feeling alright? That's funny, because your fuckophagus looks like it's flaring up.

by DutchRutterlover February 10, 2018