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The sound you make when you see a really good cartoon that's only one panel

Jacob: Hey Julia, check out this New Yorker cartoon
Julia: *sees cartoon* Urup!

by Dynamo0602 March 19, 2023


Nostalgia for places/events/things that never occurred or do not exist.

She has Mockstalgia for Argletown

by Dynamo0602 February 23, 2021

5👍 2👎

Vegan Tomato

When a brand labels its product with redundant information in order to imply that it is better than other brands

John: I saw a cereal box labelled as “Asbestos Free” in the store today

Larry: That’s a Vegan Tomato

by Dynamo0602 May 15, 2020


The process of screaming at a computer monitor for hours until realizing that the problem was a missing semi-colon or comma

"Oh don't mind the screaming, he's just coding"

by Dynamo0602 May 15, 2020

109👍 13👎

Sad Shaggy

The feeling of sexual frustration when you go on a date with a hot British gal and don’t have sex

I went on a date last night with this gorgeous gal, we went to her place to hang out and that was it. I left feeling like a sad shaggy

by Dynamo0602 August 11, 2020

10👍 2👎