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Space for rent

Term used to describe the lack of brains.

That dudes head has space for rent.

by Eckstahsee December 22, 2003

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


German for divesuit.

A very accomplished dj from germany taucher is on the cutting edge of trance music and still to this day is setting trends in the electronic and trance music scene.A performer and a muscian taucher is known for his eye-popping performences,He is also known to change his clothes as much as he changes his beats.His name comes from back in the day when he used to perform live in a wetsuit or a divingsuit hence the nickname Taucher.

Taucher is one of Germanys most accomplished Dj's.

Taucher had the dancefloor booming at club FX last nite.

by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Term used to describe a state of mind/body.

After one hit of ecstacy ole josh was destroyed.

I knew the xtc had him destroyed cause he balled up in the floor for 3 hours.

by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003

18πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Term used to describe current state of mind and body.

I was so tore last nite after i drank that 5th.

That joint had me tore that nite.

by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003

93πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


Term used to describe current state of mind and body.Usually cause by a mind altering drug of some kind.

Dude i think tommy is wiggin out over there.

I ate 2 hits of acid last nite a started wiggin out over this picture of a fat man.

by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003

41πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


2C-T-7 is a psychedelic phenethylamine developed by Alexander Shulgin around 1980. The effects of 2C-T-7 share some general similarities with LSD &2CB, with its length of action more like that of LSD. A research chemical market has recently been created around its recreational, therapeutic, and entheogenic uses. While most of the chemicals in its class are not known to cause acute physical dangers, 2C-T-7's safety profile for wide use is not well known nor researched. As with all new chemicals, it is difficult to be certain what the variety of reactions to the substance will be and the reports of use so far have a lot of conflicting and confusing elements, including duration, physical stimulation, dosage, etc.

The Substance: 2C-T-7, T7, Beautiful
The Experience: tripping

i was trippin on some t7 last nite.

i got ahold of some 2ct7 the other nite an tripped my ballz off.

by Eckstahsee December 18, 2003

35πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a naturally occurring component of human cells. It is used most commonly in the form of a chemical salt (Na-GHB or K-GHB) which is taken recreationally as a depressant with effects quite similar to those of alcohol. These salts are powders but are most often mixed with water for recreational use. While GHB is most notorious for a few cases where it has been given to unsuspecting individuals, it is more commonly used as a recreational intoxicant like alcohol, as a sleep-aid, or as a supplement by body-builders.

One of the major concerns with GHB is that the recreational dosage range is narrow and even small overdoses can cause temporary unrousable unconsciousness (a type of coma) and large overdoses (poisonings) can be life-threatening. There are two other chemicals which are used as GHB equivalents: 1,4-butanediol and gamma butyrlactone.

I drank some ghb last nite an i was fucked slap up.

by Eckstahsee December 18, 2003

770πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž