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casino burping

Casino burping occurs whilst drunk or hungover when you need to burp but aren't sure whether it's going to make you vomit or make you feel better, hence the risk factor.

Harry: "hey dude, I heard you being sick last night"

Roger: "yeah it was a bad night. I was feeling well bloated and went for some all-or-nothing casino burping to see if I could cure myself. Unfortunately this time the risk didn't pay off"

Harry: "bad times"

by EddceLLent June 28, 2012

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A non sweary way of calling someone a motherfucker. It works because it rhymes.

Harry - "tell me what you think about that dude Pete, and don't swear because my little brother might be listening..."

Roger - "well, I think he's a class A brothermugger"

by EddceLLent April 12, 2014

dirty vase

Derived from the idea of a dirty pint, a half spirits/half mixer pint usually given to someone as a birthday "present", a dirty vase is the group equivalent whereby multiple dirty pints can be served to a number of people after a larger amount of spirits have been mixed together in a large vase.

A dirty vase is a sure-fire way to ensure drunkenness on a massive scale. A dirty vase also has the potential to be dangerous, and so should be approached with caution.

Roger: "So Harry, what are we going to get Fred for his birthday?"

Harry: "How about a dirty pint?"

Roger: "Sweet idea, but how are the rest of us going to get drunk?"

Harry: "Well, Roger, maybe we should make it a dirty vase!"

by EddceLLent January 2, 2012

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dirty bucket

Derived from the idea of a dirty pint, a half spirits/half mixer pint usually given to someone as a birthday "present", a dirty bucket is the group equivalent whereby multiple dirty pints can be served to a number of people after a larger amount of spirits have been mixed together in a bucket.

A dirty bucket is a sure-fire way to ensure drunkenness on a massive scale. A dirty bucket also has the potential to be dangerous, and so should be approached with caution.

Roger: "So Harry, what are we going to get Fred for his birthday?"

Harry: "How about a dirty pint?"

Roger: "Sweet idea, but how are the rest of us going to get drunk?"

Harry: "Well, Roger, maybe we should make it a dirty bucket!"

by EddceLLent October 20, 2011

like injustice

That feeling of injustice when you publish a really funny status on facebook status and it only gets a couple of likes, then one of your friends publishes something stupid that gets about eight.

A common response to a like injustice is to report your friend's status as spam.

Harry: "Hey Roger, your status the other day was pretty funny, how do you come up with this stuff?"

Roger: "I know right, but it only got two likes! Trevor's status about his stupid dog got eight"

Harry: "Damn, that's a like injustice"

by EddceLLent January 3, 2012

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lapping up the likes

An occasion where you temporarily withdraw from posting on Facebook so that you can focus on watching how many likes your tremendous previous status is now getting.

Harry: "dude, you should post some more statuses, that last one was awesome"

Roger: "nah man, it's only been a couple of hours and I'm still lapping up the likes"

by EddceLLent April 16, 2014


An expression indicating slight annoyance along the same lines as 'fiddlesticks'.

Some suggest that the word is a festive reincarnation of a saying from Mario Kart character 'Toad' who'd often say "Aaah-buhbuhbuh" upon crashing.

Roger: "Hey dude, do you want a bacon sandwich?"

Harry: "Sure thing"

Roger: "Oh shit dude, the bacon's gone mouldy.."

Harry: "bahboubles!"

by EddceLLent January 9, 2011

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