Source Code


Ritecheer is southern-speak for right here in this location.

Ritecheer in River City? Yep, ritecheer in Rivah City.

by Edword August 5, 2006

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

prick teaser

A girl or woman who dresses or acts provocatively and flaunts her sexuality to get male attention for the sole purpose of building up her own ego.

She's a real prick teaser. That bikini she's wearing will never see any water except on laundry day. That's not swimwear, it's teasewear.

by Edword July 31, 2006

74πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

banjo butt

A term used to describe a woman who has a slender back and a narrow waist but has unusally wide hips and out of proportion to the rest of her body.

She's cute but she's got a real banjo butt crammed into those jeans.

by Edword August 1, 2006

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fearless leader

Joking refernce to one of the characters on the television cartoon Rocky and Bullwinkle. May be used to refer satiricly to one's boss or some other authority figure or someone who is in a leadership role.

I don't necessarily need to lead this hike. You can be fearless leader for a change,it's fine with me.

by Edword August 1, 2006

87πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


East Tennessee folk word for a chock placed in front of a tire or wheel to prevent it from accidentally rolling.

We need to scotch up the wheels on our car so it won't roll down the hill.

by Edword July 31, 2006

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A prick is a selfish person who only cares about himself. He thinks it's okay to screw over his friends and will take advantage of you if given the chance.

That prick, I wrote up that report then he typed it up, put his name on it, and turned it in to the boss as his own work.

by Edword July 30, 2006

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bad eye

To bad eye something is to stare at it with great interest. To scope it out, look it over closely, check it out.

She's a really classy looking lady. Yeah,tell me about it.I was really putting the bad eye on her.

by Edword August 5, 2006

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