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Flag deez nutz

The appropriate reaction to whenever some faggy cockshitter on reddit or urbandictionary or twitter or facebook or whatever website wants to flag your content for being "offensive"

"You can't type out that stuff about Black Lives Matter on reddit like that! You'll get flagged!" - Some faggot
"Flag deez nutz!" - Me

by EggFuYungAtHeart January 30, 2022

Dinner Date Ghostie

When you are digitally communicating with a girl either online or via texting and everything is going great until you ask her on a date, then she stops communicating.

I thought things were going great with this girl i was talking to online. I texted her, she texted back, i texted her back, she texted me back, i texted her back, she texted me back, i texted her back, she texted me back, i asked her if she wanted to have dinner with me sometime and..... she gave me the dinner date ghostie. Haven't heard from her since.

by EggFuYungAtHeart January 29, 2022

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Ex Cool-Wokie

Someone who used to enjoy humor and used to be a cool person but now they've joined the woke mob and you can't even be around them anymore because he/she is so fucking insufferable.

Me and Jon used to be friends, we would watch Family Guy and Idiocracy together and laugh and hang out at Hooters and it was so much fun being around him. Now he's just an Ex Cool-Wokie who tells me how homophobic, racist, and sexist i am whenever i see him. He's such a bummer to be around now.

by EggFuYungAtHeart May 26, 2022

Caukie slang

Informal slang often used by Caucasions(Caukies) which include terms such as rad, dank, gnarly, tubular, wicked, etc

"That cheeseburger was dank as fuck, too bad you hit that gnarly pothole on the way over here, that was wicked weak. Other than that the trip was flippin rad" - Brad
"wtf do these words mean!?" - Tyrone
"Bro you should brush up on your Caukie slang" - Brad

by EggFuYungAtHeart January 25, 2022


Someone who always complains about other people "jinxing" things when they are just trying to have casual conversation. It gets to the point of complete insanity and total annoyance because they won't get their dumbass superstitious beliefs to themselves.

"I hope it doesn't rain out the baseball game tonight - Gary
"Omg now it's gonna rain you JINXED it!" - Jinxbitch
"But me saying i hope it doesn't rain has no effect on whether or not it will....."

Of course if it doesn't rain they won't notice this but if it does rain they'll blame you. They always notice the hits but never notices the misses and refuse to believe that coincidences sometimes occur in life. These jinxbitches are completely fucked up in the head and are very, very annoying to be around.

by EggFuYungAtHeart March 24, 2022


A grocery store chain that sells godawful, horrible tasting cheap food but their customers are 100% either crackheads or people who fucked up and had too many kids. When they say how good the food is, what they really mean is how much money they can save on buying food so they can spend on crack or taking more dick so they can have more fucking kids. Aldi milk tastes like the cow had cancer. Aldi ice cream tastes like a bowl of sad.

"I got a gallon of milk for 49 cents at Aldi" - Jessica
"Yeah that milk tastes horrible, why don't you just buy normal milk?" - Thomas
"But think about all the money i save by buying milk at Aldi!" - Jessica
"You're just gonna spend it all on crack, shut up" - Thomas
"Hell yeah! And thanks to Aldi's low prices i can buy a new crackpipe to smoke even more crack in!" - Jessica

by EggFuYungAtHeart January 25, 2022

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College degree

Worthless trash, meant to be thrown straight in the trash can.

I have a master's degree and i work at Domino's, boy do i regret going to college. My college degree is trash.

by EggFuYungAtHeart May 25, 2022