Source Code

Get a kennel

A less than polite way to tell a particularly fugly couple to stop making out in public.

Johnny: Dude, check it out! Robin and Dina are getting hot and heavy!
Sam: Aww man, no one wants to see that!! Get a kennel!!

by Ehrris March 3, 2012

171👍 10👎


Anything that causes you copious amounts of stress. An antidestressant can be a person, a job, school, etc.

Neil: "Man, everyone is dumping their problems on me lately and I got all this other stuff I gotta do and I feel like I'm gonna explode!"
Bob: "You need to back of the antidestressants and just learn to relax!"

by Ehrris August 14, 2012

76👍 4👎

Freudian Autocorrect

Freudian Autocorrect is when you're texting and your phone autocorrects a word you attempted to type innocently and replaces it with something less innocent yet more appropriate to what you meant.

When I texted him to see how his day was going and he replied with busty instead of busy, his phone's Freudian autocorrect told me exactly where his mind was.

by Ehrris September 14, 2011

457👍 65👎


Lovely breasts in motion. Hypno-tits are an excellent distraction tactic. Bouncing, dancing, jogging... any action that sets a nice set into motion may result in the "hypno-tits" effect causing others to lose their train of thought and become mesmerized. Mesmerized individuals can then be easily made to do the bidding of the hypno-titst. This is also an excellent way to end awkward conversations as well.

When Gina received some exciting news, she inadvertently created a hypno-tits effect as she bounced with glee causing Chad to drop what he was doing.

by Ehrris November 1, 2012

53👍 5👎