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The Dylan is a very rare sub-species of pot head called stonovapacus, the Dylan can’t go one day without vaping and smoking at least a little weed, the Dylan is also a party animal a crazy ass motherfucker, the Dylan is also a real dick 90% of the time, a real BITCH.


by El-Birdi May 29, 2019


A real son of a bitch most of the time or all the time I guess. But can be a good friend at times, I party animal, the fucking most fire parties are when those son of a bitch Dale are their, Dales are never in a good mood always a fucking hoe, fucking stupid fuck, their the type of person that throws up at ur cousins party ina decorative bowl that’s on the table, most people want to kill Dale and that’s reasonable he’s a cunt,l. If ur name is fake and ur reading this fuck u.


by El-Birdi May 22, 2019

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