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Burnt Sausage

That random burning feeling you get in your dick, usually after wanking and taking a piss too close together.

Frank: "Are you okay bro? You look like your in a bit of pain". Tom: "Nah i'm fine man, just got a bit of a burnt sausage". Frank: "Oh fuck, I hate it when I get those".

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017

Shit disaster

The toilet initially is clogged up with toilet paper and shit. The victim then attempts to flush it again , with the toilet still being clogged, the shit and toilet paper rises further towards the top of the toilet. The victim then begins to panic and takes out the toilet brush from next to the toilet and attempts to push the shit and toilet paper down with it. This doesn't work and there is now shit on the brush as well. The victim then tries to hide the shit covered brush by putting it back into its case with shit still all over it . The victim then does a quick prayer, closes the lid of the toilet and flushes it again. If lucky, the shit and toilet paper will go down, if not, it will begin to come out of the toilet and create a shit tsunami within the house. If the contents went down with the flush, the victim then pulls their pants up and leaves the toilet as if nothing happened, trying to forget the shit disaster they just experienced.

Mum: "Hey Tom is the toilet clean? The guests will be here soon".

Tom: "I doubt it, I just had a shit disaster".

Mum: " Oh not again, you had one last week".

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017

Triple Threat

The act of wanking and ejaculating 3 times consecutively with minimal breaks in between. This could cause a threat to one's health due to the constant rapid heartbeat.

Guy 1: "Hey man, did you have a wank yesterday"? Guy 2: "Yeah man, I did the triple threat". Guy 1: Woah man, impressive".

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017


The act of masturbating in the shower.

I had a really good 10 minute shower , if it wasn't for the great showerbation that I subtlety did in there, I would have been out in half of that time.

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017

Class Woody

A boner that you get in class when you are thinking of hot girls instead of listening to the teacher. These boners help to make class go faster but, can be dangerous if you are asked a question related to the subject and your boner is not hidden.

"Hey bro did you hear what she said about the protons and electrons? ". "Nah sorry man , too busy trying to hide my class woody."

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017

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The act of wanking when there is minimal time left before something important should be done, e.g homework, an assignment, etc.

Instead of finishing his homework the night before it was due, he instead used his time regretfully on procrastibation.

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017

Drying the tap

The action of using toilet paper to wipe off the remaining drops of piss coming out of your dick after a long, hard leak.

"Hey have you finished pissing yet? I can't hear anymore drops". "Yeah man i'll be out any second, just drying the tap".

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017