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Betty Crocker

1. A woman with obsolete ideas on marriage, women in the workplace, and women's rights in general. Frequently believes that a woman's sole place is the kitchen and ignores the past 60 years of female advancement entirely.

2. A woman with so much foundation on her face it looks caked on.

1. My cousin went to school for 6 years, got a master's degree in teaching, then became Betty Crocker saying she wants to be "more domestic."

2. Wow, her makeup is so badly done, she looks like Betty Crocker.

by Elizafox November 19, 2016

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Eve's Apple

The trans female's equivalent to an Adam's Apple. Some trans females choose to have it removed; others have no choice but to keep it due to lack of money or fear of medical procedures; and others still wear it as a badge of pride or because it doesn't bother them.

Having an Eve's Apple doesn't mean you're not female.

by Elizafox December 18, 2018

24👍 10👎

spirit journey

1. An exceptionally long quest for a good or service.
2. A very long trip.

I had to go on a spirit journey to figure out how to apply for that job.
I had to take a spirit journey all the way to the next town to pick up my mother from work.

by Elizafox October 9, 2016

3👍 1👎

michigan basement

When you turn a woman over, saying you're going to have anal sex, but instead shove dirt into her rectum.

Last night I gave Melissa a Michigan Basement

by Elizafox July 7, 2017