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Irony is when this website declares in its official content guidelines that "we have a zero tolerance policy for definitions that include hate speech, bullying, or statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others" and then proceeds to approve racist definitions and post them on the website. Great job, you hypocritical pieces of shit.

There is a lot of irony in the approval of the word "Jewed" on Urban Dictionary; it shows a real lack of social intelligence and education on the part of the management team of this website.

by EndRacismNow June 15, 2020

Dickless Halfwit Asshole

A Dickless Halfwit Asshole is someone thinks that the perpetuation of anti-semitic stereotypes and anti-semitism itself is more acceptable than other forms of racism. An example would be someone who reads the definition for "Jewed" on this website and thinks it is funny or acceptable. For all the Dickless Halfwit Assholes reading this, let me tell you, it is not, and this behavior will ruin many of your relationships and professional aspirations in life (unless you are trying to become a professional Nazi). If you as a reader condone anti-semitism, then you yourself are a Dickless Halfwit Asshole and you need to educate your ignorant and degenerate burden-on-society of a self before you cause any more harm. This definition is brought to you by a proud black man supportive of our Jewish allies in the fight to end racism

Note to the people who manage this website: If you do not let this definition get posted then you MUST at least censor objectively racist and harmful definitions more carefully. They are not funny and do benefit anyone. Prove to the world that we can become better than we are, and that you can become better than you have been in your borderline racist management of this website.

1. Man, don't use the word "Jewed", you Dickless Halfwit Asshole.

2. If you think that anti-Israel sentiments are so different from anti-semitic sentiments, then you are a Dickless Halfwit Asshole and need to educate yourself. (Saying "I'm anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic" is like responding to the Black Lives Matter movement with the rebuttal that "All lives matter". If you do not understand why this is so, then please educate yourself)

by EndRacismNow June 15, 2020

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