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Truly terrible. Used to describe something that both blows and is awful.
Coined/popularized on Futurama.

Fry: Hank Aaron XXIV? How could you play so blowfully? The original Hank Aaron was great!
Aaron Sr: No I was better than great. I was the home run king!
Bender: Neat!
Leela: So Hank - the bad Hank, just how blowful were you?
Aaron Jr: Well, I have a low batting average.
Aaron Sr: Low? It was zero you fungo! You went your whole career without getting a hit.

by Enward November 9, 2005

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adj. unstable, disorderly or broken

I was writing my dissertation, and Microsoft Word went all oogy on me.

by Enward December 30, 2005

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no woeeiwa

E-slang for no worries. Originally caused by a left hand out-of-alignment over the keyboard.

A: Oopsy. I should have told you earlier about your wife's water breaking. She's had twins. Sorry about that.
C: No woeeiwa~ Ir'a LL FOOS.

by Enward October 11, 2005

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n. eating disorder suffered by males (cf. manorexia) usually accompanied by a binge-and-purge relationship to food.

- Is that guy manorexic? Somebody get him a cheeseburger.
- He just had three cheeseburgers and then went to the can. I think he's got boylimia.

by Enward March 16, 2006

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Beyond ridiculous. Ridonculous without being worth the time to say it.

Both words in use since at least 1994.

- His ego is out of control. It's ridonculous.
- It's ridink.

by Enward July 7, 2005

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get squishy

To have sex. Especially, to shag.

Mmm, are you ready to get squishy?

by Enward August 31, 2005

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A state of queue paralysis caused by having at home the maximum number of DVDs from Netflix and failing to watch them. This is often caused by a high concentration of art or foreign films-- those which the subscriber thinks he *should* see but is never in the mood.

The only known cure is to seal those DVDs up, unwatched, and drop them in the mail.

Still, you should probably be eating more fiber.

X: Dude, you're still sitting on "Cries and Whispers"?
Y: That, "The English Patient", and fucking "Citizen Kane". I'm dying. I'm totally queuestipated. I'll never get to see "I, Robot".

by Enward September 23, 2005

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