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Rossyboy is a kid from Scotland who wears a skirt and is on alot of ADHD drugs.

also see pulled a rossy

Rossyboy wear a skirt, what a faggot.

by Enzo July 18, 2004

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


To interfere with; to ruin

Don't cramp my style

by Enzo July 20, 2004

281πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž

typhoon class

A large turd, both long and thick, which wedges in the toilet and will not flush. Similar to a submarine.

Called a typhoon class after the large submarine of the same name.

I've just dropped a typhoon class

by Enzo March 7, 2005

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Starbuild are crappy kid like attempts at making a build and hoping it will make you famous even though it will never amount to anything. Also a slang term

Yeah she pulled a starbuild and grew the largest ego ever!

by Enzo July 18, 2004

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

ginger hair

The worst thing it is possible to have. It is believed to have originated when some Egyptian god or other decided that bad people deserved to have a ridiculous colour hairdo. When shaved can often be mistaken for a Scotch egg.

David thinks he's cool because he has loads of ginger hair. He isn't.

by Enzo November 30, 2004

64πŸ‘ 405πŸ‘Ž


K.0.C.:abbreveation (King Of Comebacks)
A sarcastic term named to a person who can't make comebacks from insults worth shit.

Asshole-fuck you, your a shithead.
You-yeah, yeah, well,....uh......YOU ARE!
friend-Nice one K.O.C., you scared the shit out of him!

by Enzo March 31, 2004

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A bitch who nobody is sure what gender it is, it thinks it is the boss of builds and better than everyone but can only lie and build crap.

Also pulled a seiya

Watch out here come Seiya, wonder what gender it is today.

by Enzo July 18, 2004

38πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž