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To curve or bend back or backward.

Deer taken with a straight limb bow, recurve bow or compound bow will be registered as taken with a vertical bow.

by Erosin March 9, 2015

1👍 1👎


When you are playing an online game , and you are the only one alive on your team.You have to "Clutch"the round by killing the opposing team single-handedly. So clutching is surviving in a one versus five or more players situation, killing them and winning the game . Clutching a situation in other words is getting control over a close situation.

Mom-Dinner's ready !
Gamer-Not now mom , I'm clutching !

by Erosin March 3, 2015

229👍 22👎


When you are playing an online game , and you are the onlyone alive on your team.You have to "Clutch"the round by killing the opposing team single-handedly.

Mom: Dinner's ready !
Gamer: Not now mom , I'm clutching !

by Erosin March 3, 2015

30👍 11👎