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Family Guy

a show not only comprised of flashback scenes, but also Seth McFarlane's annoying-ass voice, men beating up women, and pointless retarded jokes against Meg.

Family Guy is a lot worse than what most people say. The Simpsons is much better.

by Exhoc February 26, 2006

232👍 185👎

get rich or die tryin

Simply put, it's the worst movie ever made. There's a post on Imdb about it that has almost 500 replies. It's insane!

Get rich or die tryin is just the worst movie ever made.

by Exhoc January 8, 2006

60👍 147👎


her can be another way to say "here".

1: Put it right her!
2: No, over her!
3: Man, y'alls be frontin' hella much.

by Exhoc January 13, 2006

17👍 28👎


an excellent ballet by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The music is set to the story by E.T.A. Hoffmann. The ballet was composed in 1892, as his Op. 71. The Nutcracker is his shortest ballet, much shorter compared to Swan Lake. The ballet contains two acts and is most famous for Scene 12, the Divertissement, which contained most of the pieces in the Nutcracker Suite which became more popular than the ballet itself.

The Nutcracker is probably the best ballet ever written and is performed annually by many communities.

by Exhoc February 25, 2006

134👍 98👎

1812 Overture

Refers to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's "Overture to 1812 in E Flat Major" Op. 49. It is a very famous piece and sometimes said to be one of Tchaikovsky's best works. It is commonly played during the 4th of July because of it's triumph over war sounds.

Listen for 1812 Overture during the 4th of July, you're bound to hear it sometime.

by Exhoc December 29, 2005

82👍 8👎


what words become when they've had 100 or 200 definitions on Urbandictionary. Some that have had at least 200 definitions are: fucktard George Bush fuck penis. Some have between 100 and 200 definitions. Those are: ass republican your mom britney spears. There are probably more, but that's all I could think of. I haven't seen any that reached 300 yet!

So many words on Urbandictionary.com are overdefined!

by Exhoc December 29, 2005

21👍 1👎


a system of understanding a language using proper sentence structure, uses of words and their functions in a sentence, spelling, and other things.

Grammar is sometimes thought of as obsolete because it seems that no one cares to use it anymore. However, there is nothing wrong with abandoning grammar online because that is it what it is meant for! All of you who are making fun of people who use abbreviations on the internet are stupid, because that is the point, you are supposed to be able to say things quicker, even if it means spelling "for" as 4!

by Exhoc December 20, 2005

27👍 42👎