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When a group of women are having a loud conversation that has no value.

I told Callie, to stop gabbin and get to work.

by ExtraBasic August 31, 2018

9👍 1👎

Around the city

When you trying to holla at a thick ass shawty, but at the same time have to be at work at 8am the next morning.

“Callie.. when you gonna let me take you around the city?”

by ExtraBasic October 9, 2018

3👍 4👎


Those girls that prefer to be around other men. They typically drink beer, eat pizza rolls, and have questionable hygiene.

“Dude Callie just threw a perfect spiral and chugged a natty light.”

“Yeah man...told you she’s a bromale”

by ExtraBasic October 17, 2018