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Oral sex on driver causing automobile to swerve.

Women:Do you want a swervy.
Man: Yes I’ll try not to swerve.

by Eyeloveu September 26, 2019

Sticky finger mission

Stealing anything in sight that’s not nailed down.shopliftingTaking anything and everything that’s not yours just for fun.

Girl:You want to go on a s.f.m.

Boy: A what?
Girl: A sticky finger mission

by Eyeloveu September 26, 2019


Someone who is worst off than you are, who steals your shit.

damn if he stole it he can have it he must be broke and thirsty

by Eyeloveu March 23, 2023


Ass dick shit (boo_dock-ah)

You smell like butt,dick and poop. You must have budaca all over you.

by Eyeloveu July 18, 2020


Loyal dependable excellent friend.Rayola is a Milf to most and a gilf to others. Everyone loves her.She is good.She is kinky and lots of fun.She has a good heart.She is a sweet women.she use to be a good girl till she found out being a bad bitch was better.And she is one down ass bad bitch.easy to live she has your back to the fullest.

Rayola is a bad bitch.

by Eyeloveu October 8, 2019

4👍 1👎

Dumping a grumpy

The largest, longest , smelliest, shit in the world.

Clear the house I’m dumping a grumpy.

by Eyeloveu October 14, 2019


Dick Flavor .tastes like dick because that’s what it is.

Did you know that on Charlie and chocolate factory movie snozzberry is really dick. Look it up it’s true.

by Eyeloveu October 29, 2019

1👍 2👎