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A bonghole is that stinky place between your ass cheeks where you make poo. Also known as sphincter, crinkled star, chocolate starfish, pootyhole, asshole, butthole, hershey highway, poop chute, cornhole, browneye, arsehole, back door, balloon knot, culo, pooper, shithole, stinkstar, turd cutter, hiney hole, bumhole, etc..

1) Beavis said "I need TP for my bonghole"

2) She was beggin for it, I had to thow it allupinzoid the bonghole.

3) ...so she asked me, "what do you mean by tung-da-bung?" I mean for you to tongue my bonghole, baby.

by Ezeerider May 24, 2005

112πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

poking cotton

Ok, its when you got to take a shit so bad that the turd is already emerging from your asshole and the end of it is poking into your cotton underwear. Also know as browncappin.

1) Man, I got to get off the phone.....I'm poking cotton.

2) I didn't shit for a whole week but after I ate them tacos I was poking cotton.

by Ezeerider July 9, 2005

27πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Browncappin is when you got to take a shit so bad that the round end of the turd starts poking out your asshole, usually accompanied by skidmarks in the underwear. I guess the first person seeing this happen up close thought it looked like there was a cap on the asshole. Some places in Maryland it is also considered a derogatory declaration aimed at someone. I mean, if somebody yanked down their drawers and browncapped you, how would YOU feel about it? Getting "browncapped" is plenty good reason to kick somebodys ass.

1) Man, I browncapped the ol lady last night and the ho threw a friggin lamp at me..... crazy biatch.

2) I was stuck in traffic this morning on the beltway for 2 hours. I was browncappin so bad that I had to pinch one off in a McDonalds cup.

3) Baby, keep on bitchin, you gonna mess around and get browncapped if you don't watch yo mowf.

by Ezeerider October 10, 2004


in your mouth

I got cho dingleberries.... in you mowf, jack.

by Ezeerider January 7, 2004


Mouth.........damn, use your imagination, dude.

1) Keep it up and I'll bust yo mowf, Jack.

2) She was a real spoogehound.....she loved to jack me right into her open mowf.

3) Wut dat in yo mowf?

by Ezeerider August 1, 2004

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A shortened version of green beans, referring to angel dust or PCP.

Hey man, got any beaners?

by Ezeerider January 7, 2004

90πŸ‘ 489πŸ‘Ž

bustin slobs

Bustin slobs means kissing..... making out. Its that simple. The phrase has something to do with slobber, but how it started I don't know.

1) Last night met up with another internet slut, we busted slobs for a while but got no coochie.

2) We were in the back seat, bustin slobs, thowin stem, and a friggin pig came along and broke up the party.

by Ezeerider July 10, 2005

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž