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Showing on

Showing on, To show on. When a person, usually a man in a busy pub helps a female through a crowd by placing his hand on her back and helping her forward, or showing on. Particularly when he doesn't know her and when she does not require any showing on assistance.

kim: Hey, can you see that guy over there, he is constantly showing on girls through the crowd
Moomin; Yes, Ive noticed him doing it to all the hot chicks even when it's not busy

by Fatcatkim November 15, 2011


dandruff from ones flange

Peter: OMG look at all the white flecks on the sheets
Judith: Sorry Peter, I'm suffering from a bit of Flangeruff lately

by Fatcatkim November 3, 2011


One Finger Pointing On Nose, One Pointing At You
When someone says exactly the same thing as you are thinking, or has the same idea as you at the same time. As in: You got it, or you guessed something someone else was thinking.

Ian: Hey, I was thinking of arranging a double date with those hotties tonight at the new restaurant in town
Alan: Hey, OFONOPAY, I was just thinking the same thing old chap

by Fatcatkim July 14, 2011

8👍 4👎

Piggy Back Guffing

When another does an audible guff (fart) and you decide to drop a silent one on the back of theirs and blame them for the offensive odour

Mark: "parrrrrp" Whoops, sorry, couldn't hold it in any longer
Baz: "Pfffst" ... OMG Mark, that smells gross, you got dead rats up your bum
Mark: You sure you're not Piggy Back Guffing again as mine don't smell that bad

by Fatcatkim November 3, 2011

1👍 2👎