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Camila is a beautiful name.

A girl that has the name Camila is surely hispanic. She is the type of girlfriend that loves to cuddle and is sweet like pie, or is great in bed and SEXY as heck. Camila is a very understanding person she really knows how to listen. When Camila cries she makes you sad in 1.2 seconds!! Your heart will break in a cruel way. You will automatically want to comfort her and giver her a hug, hold her hand thightly, maybe even kiss her. When Camila gets angry she will turn into devil it's self. Camila is the kind of person that if you ask for forgiveness she will forgive you. She won't forget, but she will dead the issue.

Camila is so sweet.
Camila is the sexiest.
Camila is understandable.

by Feisty_Camila December 11, 2016

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