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Jo is a bringer(Brin-jir) term for, for being, beautiful, amazing, independent, dignity, good taste in friends and everything thing else, and having brown/ginger hair. Most people refer to Jo as the most popular girl in school. Many boys like Jo's but are too afraid to tell her in person because her independence and dignity frighten them. They're scared to get rejected. Jo's live all over the world but the coolest ones are known to live in Bend, Oregon

Girl one: Wow look at her, she must be a Jo!
Girl two: I know, I wish I was like her!

Boy one:(New to school) dude, look at that girl, she's so hot and confident!
Boy two: nahh man, she's a Jo.
Boy one: damn.. I'm too scared to talk to her, might ruin my rep.

by FifiGirl12 December 26, 2011

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