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Can't Even

1. A sarcastic phrase of the Modern White Girl. Used when surprised, pleased, scared, happy or pissed off. Usually is used in context with "literally" or "oh my gosh".
2. The act of "can't evening"

Person 1: look at this text I got from him
Person 2: I can't even

by Fifty4 February 10, 2015

57👍 16👎

White Girl

A Female of light complexity, usually found at Starbucks sipping on her PSL (pumpkin spice latte), taking way to many selfies, browsing her social media or at home watching a new series on Netflix while enjoying Nutella. Favorite wardrobe include uggs, leggings and a infinity scarf. Uses phrases including; "Oh my gosh", "literally dying" and "I can't even"

Person 1: Your a total white girl!
White girl: Oh my gosh, how dare you accuse me of that
Person 1: EVERYBODYS seen you at Starbucks taking selfies with your PSL
White girl: I can't even

by Fifty4 February 8, 2015

60👍 21👎