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A term used for anything of a remarkable nature.


"Did you see that girl? She was SO Chocolate!"
"That shirt is totally Chocolate!"
"Check out my new phone, it's so Chocolate!"
"Damn that movie was Chocolate!"
"thats pretty damn Chocolate my friend"

"That bitch was so not Chocolate"
"There's just no Chocolate to this town"

by Flash321 December 1, 2009

636👍 90👎

Off My Broccoli

An exclamation used in situations when one individual is intruding on another's possession. Even if the object in question is not actually Broccoli.

Someone reaching in to take some of another person's fries.
Person eating the fries: "Off my Broccoli Nigga!"

by Flash321 November 26, 2009

6👍 1👎