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To violently make love at an alarming pace. In order to initiate a 'Hamster', the male must thrust at a speed which almost sends him into a spasm.

Man1: "Dude seriously, i hamstered the hell outta that slut ."
Man2: "No way!"
Man1: "Way."

by Flossua March 16, 2009

10👍 17👎

Purple Wombat

A term used to describe a woman's vagina after violent sex. The 'Purple Wombat' refers to the appearance of the vagina.

Man1: "Dude, we were going at it so hard last night I gave her a purple wombat."
Man2: "No Way!"
Man1: "Way."

by Flossua March 16, 2009

34👍 30👎


A crank is someone who is performing two actions at the same time which are juxtaposed. Originally a term created by Russell Brand combining the two words 'cry' and 'wank'.

Man1: "Dude, is that drunk guy throwing up and trying to eat a sandwich?"
Man2: "What an absolute crank!"

by Flossua March 21, 2009

30👍 32👎


A term used to describe someone whos nickname is a combination of their name and an embarrassing, distinguishing feature.

Schoolboy1: "Oh look, here comes One-ball-paul."
Schoolboy2: "Let's throw rocks at him."
Schoolboy1: "Let's throw that flossua in this here hedge!"
Schoolboy2: "I love ya, always have."

by Flossua March 21, 2009

3👍 1👎


In the first LOTR film Gandalf blows a smoke ship through a smoke ring. A Gandalf is someone who smokes so much weed that they have the same level of smoking
expertise as Gandalf himself.

Man1: "Stop hogging the splif Gandalf."
Man2: "Why don't you just fuck off and let me enjoy my bud Gandhi."

by Flossua March 21, 2009

19👍 8👎


A goober is any type of bodily fluid which leaves in a large quantity. Typical goobers include semen, poop, snot, saliva and vomit.

Man1: "Dude, Janice is so pissed with me. Last night she was tugging the porksword and I accidently goobered all over her face."
Man2: "No way!"
Man1: "Way!"

Man1: "Dude, what the fuck did you do to that toilet? Smells like a cabbage patch kid crawled up your arse and died. You smelly bastard."
Man2: "Sorry buddy, after that indian yesterday can you blame me for totally goobering?"
Man1: "Point made."

by Flossua March 21, 2009

7👍 30👎