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Moravian College

The third oldest University in the United States, located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Consisting of two campuses over two miles apart with a violent gang-ridden ghetto between as well as about two blocks worth of upscale restaurants and shops. A popular choice for students from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as international students whose families enjoy the privacy of a small college with a strong liberal arts program. Attached to Moravian Seminary and strongly affiliated with other schools in the area such as Muhlenburg, Lehigh, and Lafayette.

"Are you sure you'll be okay walking home at night?"
"Of course- I went to Moravian College... I made it through four years without getting shot once despite being an art major with my dorm in North!"

by Foxnight February 25, 2015

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A member of the Asatru religion who replaces New Ager ideology and practices with Norse Terminology. Most likely a Universalist and/or a convert from Wicca or other pagan faiths, they are known for gaudy costumes and superficial happiness.

"That kindred is so saturated with Glitteratru they believe Odin is 'Too Dark and Malevolent'" for them.

by Foxnight June 30, 2016

Heathen Baptism

The act of holding the drinking horn with the tip pointing "away" from the celebrant of any Heathen/Asatru ritual causing the person to accidentally drench themselves in mead. Usually, it only happens once, but repeat occurrences of the phenomenon are not unheard of.

"Did you see Trogdor Thorsson's Heathen Baptism at Sumbel?"
"Holy shit, that guy almost drowned in mead- they had to refill the entire horn... I think he's still sputtering!"

by Foxnight February 25, 2015

Discordian Baptism

When a person of higher intelligence is checked into several-day inpatient psychiatric facility. Discordianism is an absurdist religion (or psuedo religion) which reveres the Greek Goddess Eris, the scion of chaos.

"What happened to our theoretical physics professor?"
"He's having his Discordian Baptism in the loony bin."
"Poor guy!"

by Foxnight February 23, 2015

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