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of or pertaining to the magical power of a modern day pimp still living in Paris, Dr. Yoniferous.

The Deacon of Parisian Cool, bringer of punani to visiting quasi diplomats, a living legend in the streets of the city of love.

Oh merde, look at the fish nets on that bomb ass babe staying in the Hotel Costes. Yeah, she's yoniferous, fly ass coochie.

That's some bonifide yoniferous clam baby.

by Free Press in France June 21, 2005

Jacques Chirac

The French president embroiled in politcal scandal at home, not punishable by French law until he is out of office.

The posterboy for Anti-Bush extremists who have little to no knowledge of the depth of French investment in pre-war Iraqi Oil and defense contracts.

France Telecom
UN Oil for Food Program

by Free Press in France June 21, 2005

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