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If someone is a Parisian then they live in Paris or come from Paris (born in Paris)

Boy: " where were you born"
Girl: " Paris"
Boy: " so your a Parisian?"
Girl: " yes"
Boy: "okky dokky

by Xoxo_smithers_xoxo February 21, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The worst type of French , From the dark lords capital city of Paris.
Parisians hate everything , in particular the non french.
Legend says that if you say Racism 10 times in front of your mirror at midnight , a parisian may appear.

P1 : "This guy is such a Parisian.."
P2 : "You mean from Paris?"
P1: "No, he just hates everyone"
P2 : "Yeah ... guess you're right"

by persel1 February 16, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A black person. Originally derived from the hit song 'Niggas in Paris'.

I'm so happy we have a parisian as President for four more years.

by welove7/7 November 10, 2012

62๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Doing something dumb or stupid but trying to act innocent and cute to get positive attention instead of criticism.

That was so parisian of her to forget wearing panties.

by poopita May 25, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

parisian carnival

During anal intercourse, preferably a three-way, having a female partner take an unused condom (deflated), and inserting it into another partner's anus; next, the condom is inflated with the first female's mouth while it is in the second female's anus; particularly skilled females can inflate the condom to the point of rupture

Dude, why won't my girlfriend do the parisian carnival with me?

by the parisian king November 26, 2006

55๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Parisian Ridgeback

The most common version of European men. Are very skinny and wear speedos. Can be seen on the beach usually with other Ridgebacks and can be spottede by their signature trademark; a prominent spine.

"Crikey, a Parisian Ridgeback!!!"

by ridgebacklover May 25, 2008

Parisian Whore

A woman from Paris who is a "whore" or rather "prostitute". Hence "parisian whore"

"I wonder how much it'd cost me for one of them Parisian whores?"

'A Parisian whore stood on the sidewalk loosely smoking a cigarette as he eyed her up'

by Lo-lee-ta April 21, 2008

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