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erectile dysfunction

The disorder where a man's soldier won't salute.

Sam needs a truckload of Viagra, because he's a chronic sufferer of erectile dysfunction.

by FrenzyMedia February 11, 2016

190👍 10👎

erectile dysfunction

When a man's soldier won't salute.

Man 1: I'm suffering from erectile dysfunction
Man 2: And you call yourself a man?

by FrenzyMedia August 6, 2016

37👍 17👎


Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more.

What is love?

by FrenzyMedia June 4, 2019


Short for "kill yourself," although suicide is really nothing to joke about.

Sean: I'm a Trump supporter, and I always will be.
Landon: Dude, please kys.
Sean: You know suicide is nothing to joke about.
Landon: Who said I was joking?
Sean: :(

by FrenzyMedia July 7, 2016

127👍 46👎