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far fucking out

An emphatic far out, reminiscent of the origins of both far out and groovy, in which the most groovy place is where the most far out thing was meant to go.

The most groovy place is where the most far out thing was meant to go, and that's far fucking out, man!

by FridgeRaider January 15, 2007

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

titillation by proxy

How tweens and preteens like to get their titillation.

Some tweens crave titillation, but wouldn't dare to do anything risqué with their own bodies, so they'll wait until there's a lot of people and pants someone else.

by FridgeRaider December 14, 2004

26πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

baby pro

1. An underaged prostitute.

2. A pro below the legal age of sexual consent.

3. Jailbait that offers to turn tricks.

4. A lolita for hire.

If you get caught with that baby pro you'll be charged with rape.

by FridgeRaider May 18, 2004


An age set overlapping preteens, 'tween 8 and 14. A tween desperately wants to be a teen, but isn't about to stop being a kid. May flirt one minute, but be embarrassed about it the next; usually prefers titillation by proxy.

When I was in 4th grade, several of us would gang up on a boy and girl and make them kiss each other for our titillation.

I was standing in line behind another teen, and the 10 year olds she was baby-sitting kept pushing her against men behind her to to get titillation by proxy. I made sure to stand behind her a lot that day.

Google "CSM Models" for an eye full of tweens getting titillation by proxy, flirting with the camera instead of a person.

by FridgeRaider December 14, 2004

204πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž

turn tricks

Have sex for hire, as a prostitute.

She'll turn tricks all night so she can afford a room to come home to after middle school.

by FridgeRaider May 18, 2004

377πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

most extreme elimination challenge

A contest to see who can eliminate the very best.

See mommy! Me go doody big time! Change me.

by FridgeRaider May 22, 2004

10πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

substitute teachers

1. Wannabe teachers who fill in when regular teachers are unavailable. During strikes, are called SCABs. Usually lost without lesson plans, and serve more as adult supervision than in teaching capacities. If they attempt to teach, they frequently contradict what the regular teacher has taught. Also known as subs.

2. Prostitutes hired for the purpose of teaching uninitiated kids about the birds and the bees by friends orredneck rents who can't figure out any better way to get the lesson across, or perhaps because they want to watch and learn a thing or three themselves.

That sub we had today was a real substitute teacher.

by FridgeRaider May 23, 2004

58πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž