Source Code

habbo hotel

A shit little place where you pay a fucktard to put some words in your name

Fucktard: hey gimme 50 hc's and ill let u put god owner in your name.

Poor Sucka on Habbo: Ok

by Fuckhabbo April 24, 2005

64👍 39👎


A Guy who is 4-5 feet high and thinks he'se the biggest hardest guy in the world Becoz he Smokes Weed and Wearz Burbury

Chav : Ya Been To Mac Donalds?
Chav2: Its Safe
Chav3: Init
Chav4: Seen my New Burbury?
A chav Convo

by Fuckhabbo April 24, 2005

62👍 12👎

Diablo 2

A Game that nerds play in mass groups and having no sleep or food thus losing weight and life. But it's worth it for a diablo 2 player: if they find a ub3r rare item that has 60798477588477% more damage Vrs rocks

Normal Kid: Hey i just found $20
Diablo 2 Player: Well i just found a rare sword
Normal Kid: What?
Diablo 2 Player: Lol pwnt n00b diablo 2 pwns j00 lololololololololol

by Fuckhabbo March 8, 2006

9👍 61👎


A used to be good animation but sadly has died down since each episdoe has been showed 20 times

A Day With Sky One....
9.00 Simpsons
9.30 Simpsons
10.00 Some Crap
1.30 Simpsons
2.00 Some Crap
6.00 Simpsons
6.30 Simpsons
7.00 Simpsons
7.30 Simpsons
8.00 Simpsons

A simpsons freak's Day
7.00 Simpson

by Fuckhabbo April 24, 2005

49👍 46👎