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reality tv

A good example of how easy people can be entertained in the world of today.

Usually consists of 20 or so people, whoms IQ would add up to 64 if combined and have absolutely no chance of making it in the real world. Instead, you watch these people make total asses of themselves for public tv.

A waste of time, and a good example of how networks just have too much money and no good ideas. It was started my Road Rules of MTV(figures)

Person 1: Are you gonna watch that new reality tv show about two monkeys scratching their balls?

Person 2: No, I'm gonna watch that new one about people inventing stupid shit.

by Fuckitall June 2, 2006

30πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

reality tv

A very good example of how easy it is to keep people in today's world entertained. It's always about a group of 20 or so, very retarded people competing in stupid shit and rambling some of the stupidest things ever said. C'mon people, how can watching a bunch of people living inside a house while having their every move recorded be good TV?

The shittiest thing to happen to the U.S. since George W. Bush.

Was started with Road Rules in MTV(figures)

Person 1: Are you going to watch that new reality tv show about 2 monkeys scratching their balls for an hour?

Person 2: No, I'm going to watch the one about people inventing really stupid shit.

by Fuckitall June 2, 2006

56πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Retards to "claim" a city which could give less a fuck about them.

Most of the time they are 30 year olds who haven't gone through puberty, still live with their parents, work in McDonalds for a living, and still believe they're the shit.

They usually require 5 or more people to beat one person up, because they're too much of pussies to fight by themselves.

A waist of space, and an insult to everything.

Person 1: Homie G gangsters just got capped for claimin' their home town.

Person 2: Who gives a shit? Less to worry about.

by Fuckitall June 1, 2006

643πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž

Jessica Simpson

Has everything a man wishes of a woman:
1. Big breasts
2. Big ass
3. No brain

Jessica Simpson? That dumbass blonde?

I don't care, I'd still fuck her.

by Fuckitall June 2, 2006

1096πŸ‘ 407πŸ‘Ž


The kids in high school who are considered the losers.
Ironically, those "losers" will be the bosses of the cool kids in high school, if those cool kids ever reach the same intelligence level as the once geeks(possibly not).

Call them what you want, geeks are the ones that will succeed in life, while the cool kid in high school that did drugs will do just that for the rest of his shitty life.

by Fuckitall June 3, 2006

351πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž

family guy

A very bad ripoff of The Simpsons.

I have been forced to watch this show, and leave by the second commercial break. It's gotta be the stupidest thing on T.V.

The number one "worst" show to watch as said by many critics.

Top 3 worst shows out today according to the critics:

1. Family Guy (Fox)
2. American Dad (Fox)
3. The O.C. (Fox)
Ringin' any bells?

by Fuckitall June 29, 2006

228πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž


Possibly the greatest rapper of all time. He was the man that kept rap in it's purest form, and when he died, it turned to shit.

The death of tupac ended the RAP as it was once known, and then became CRAP.

by Fuckitall June 3, 2006

60πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž