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The new slang term for marijuana. "Weed", "pot", and "grass" are all outdated.

...Not real gum you dumbass. Peppermints the new slang term for MJ. Get with the times, brah!

by FuctButSects October 2, 2010

51πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Just read the tags below

No really, just look at the tags

by FuctButSects January 23, 2011

176πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

Philosophy shower

When one spends an abnormally long time in the shower because they are putting thought into some of the deeper issues in their life.

Friend: Dude you were in the shower for 45 minutes! What the hell were you doing, jacking off?

Guy: Nah dude I was taking a philosophy shower.

Friend: Oh ok that's excused then.

by FuctButSects October 22, 2010

33πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

No dump

A more casual variation to "No shit!" or "no way". Can be used in place of the latter.

Guy A: Wheres the bathroom? I gotta take a shit.

Guy B: Oh it's out of order, Miguel fucked it up yesterday.

Guy A: No dump? Man I really gotta go.

by FuctButSects November 4, 2010

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Happy Girthday

The morning on which a male wakes up and finds his cock to be much larger than the day before. Usually accompanied by fervent celebration, and parties (usually sex parties).

Todd: Dude my dick grew 1/2 an inch in girth last night!

Manuel: Congratulations man! Happy Girthday! Are you getting laid tonight?

Todd: You know it man!

by FuctButSects October 23, 2010

31πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hepatitis X

An especially rare and deadly variation of hepatitis not yet known to man. It is currently developing in an underground abandoned nuclear lab. When it is released upon the world its toll will be deadly. Symptoms will include extreme pain, followed by an inevitable case of death, accompanied by soul death after physical death.

Juan: Man if I ever get Hepatitis X I think I'll kill myself...

John: Umm...if you get Hepatitis X you will already be dead.

Juan: Then I'll kill myself when I go to heaven/hell.

John: Umm...your soul will die too.

Juan: ...Damnit.

by FuctButSects October 18, 2010

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

That is so second millennium

Conveniently making use of the fact that a milennium has recently passed to exaggerate how out-of-date something is.

Cole: I just went to the mall and bought Clerks II DVD today. You wanna come over and watch it?

Derek: You actually BUY your movies? That is so second millennium!

by FuctButSects January 23, 2011

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž