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Dutch racist word for a North Moroccans, making them similar to a monkey (makak) or 'shit' (kak) in value.
Northern Africans are not very well perceived in modern western cultures.

Very similar in offence to the word 'sandniggers'

Going back to makak

Meaning: Going back in time a few centuries ago, to the lifestyle without electricity and modern comfort.

Makakken zijn zakken!
Meaning: the Moroccans are (similar to) assholes!

by Fukaface! October 21, 2010

68πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A texan way to either:
1- get shit
2- Gotcha (I understood you)
3- Hit the road


"WTF does that mean?"

"I'ma texan booy, it cou' mean anytheing I wann' it to bey!"

"Fuck you!"


by Fukaface! September 19, 2011

128πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


One who is stealthy like a ninja, jumping from one ass to another (usually raping them, usually a gay ninja too).

They could be a figurative assninja, or a real gay ass ninja!
The latter would dress up as a ninja, with stars and everything, and perform ass sex with kunais, advanced forms of taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu.

They are to be feared when they possess a sharingan!

John walked oppenlegged, ass bleeding out of his bedroom this morning. He had a swarm of assninja's on his back all night, and won't be able to sit for a month now!

Yeah, one of the rapists was Gay-Sensei

by Fukaface! March 26, 2019

48πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mamma jammas

Tits, boobs, 2 curves formed on the chest of a female human species, with purpose of feeding offspring, a play thing for the male species and offering pleasure for the female

Annie bought a bra cup D. It barely fit her!
Wow! Look at the size of her mamma jammas!
I now definitely want an impregnation session with her, sticking my sausage in her veggieburger, while swimming in her mamma jammas!

by Fukaface! April 19, 2019

55πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Munni Bak'rs

'Munni Back'rs', or 'Money backers' in common English, are a new breed of dark skinners (mostly fat ass ugly black whores), that act all uppity, and find any lie or excuse to get their (government foodstamp) money back, by spreading lies, making life miserable for common folks.
They should all be shipped back to Haiti or Africa, where they can burn themselves.

Munni Bak'rs: 'Aye fou a bug in ma roo! I wan my munni bak'
Clerk: Sorry ma'am, but the room was bugfree before you arrived! We can only conclude that you must not have washed your ass, and that those bugs are native to your fat self!

by Fukaface! July 17, 2019

35πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

nigger technology

Usually the newest of newest technology in Niggerworld, is a spear, a stick, bone ornaments, rope necklace or a leaf skirt!

Nigger technology may have evolved since 2000 years, but the evolvement is pretty unnoticeable.

I was in africa, and I found the latest gadget of nigger technology. A broom! Old hag was trying to teach me how to use it, since it was the only broom in town!

I was in africa, and I found the latest gadget, and the newest of newest of nigger technology:

An old hag was trying to teach me how to use it, since it was the only broom in town!

Of course, nothing can beat whitey's laser guided missiles, rockets, chemistry, nano biology and nano technology.

by Fukaface! February 21, 2011

279πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž


Someone who studies and specializes in the male organ.
A doctor that checks up on the testicles and has to look at someone's dick for eg diseases (STD's), or misshapes.

A plastic surgeon that specializes in operations to the male organ.

"Man, I had sex with this woman, and now I start to have a rash on my penis."

"Visit the Dickologist".

"My penis is too small; I can't pleasure my wife"
"I heard the dickologist at 49th street can lengthen it with a small surgery".

by Fukaface! December 15, 2010

321πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž