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When your butt stinks so badly that you have to smell the stench away.

" I have a buttsniffle mom! Help me smell it away."

by Furyfreeze2005 November 17, 2016

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teffle smoof

When you have to crap so badly that you end up having some really bad diarrhea that sticks to your clothes all day.

"I didn't make it so I ending up having to teffle smoof my self..."

by Furyfreeze2005 November 17, 2016


When you rub a skittle on someones nipple so much, their nipple becomes a skittle.


by Furyfreeze2005 November 18, 2016

cupman and his pal mughead

what happens when cuphead and mugman swap shorts and noses and eye sizes.

Dont ask me, ask fanfic writers

Singer for Cuphead: "Well, Cuphead and his pal Mugman, They liked to-"
Triggered Smartass: "They swapped places. Its Cupman and his pal Mughead."
Singer for Cuphead: "._. Boi"

by Furyfreeze2005 May 16, 2018

sniffle dill

When you put a pickle up your nostril to stop your nose from running.

"Hey, could you get a pickle? I need to sniffle dill."

by Furyfreeze2005 November 18, 2016

snarkle dorf

A woman over the age of 25 who sniffs the banana seats of little boys bikes. See snorkel dorf.

"Carl, keep the bike in the garage. Your little friends mother is a snarkle dorf."

by Furyfreeze2005 November 15, 2016

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nurfle cup

When you cuff your hands into a cup form and fart into them.

"I'm gonna nurfle cup, than trow the fart at you!"

by Furyfreeze2005 November 17, 2016