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When you burp, but shit accidentally comes out.

Dude, during band today Stephen totally shurped into his bass clarinet. It was freaking nasty.

by G.L.O.C. July 18, 2009

17👍 13👎

fuck the world

when one sticks their dick into the ground

The philosopher Pac once said: "if the world was a girl I'd stick my dick in the ground, fuck the world"

by G.L.O.C. January 14, 2009

866👍 3056👎


Acronym for "Father I'd Enjoy Fucking"
Male equivalent of MILF (Mother I'd Like to Fuck)
Used to describe a man who has children and is also very sexually desirable.

Dayum. Mr. Ontiveros has several children and is also very visually stimulating, he is definitely a FIEF.

by G.L.O.C. January 8, 2009

48👍 25👎


1. Fucking adorable
2. Totally pulling off a fedora

Jake is looking fadorable in that fadodo fa' sho' sho'.

by G.L.O.C. October 1, 2011

11👍 2👎