Source Code

Hood Wear

The clothing/assesorys people in/from the hood wear.

Tall Tees,Stop Snitching,Snowman,Converse,Du-Rags,Hood Candy,Bandanas and Bling are all Hood Wear.

by GAME50 October 10, 2005

35πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A meaning that originated from 2Pac.


Im the new N.I.G.G.A. for life homie.

by GAME50 October 12, 2005

202πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


Street slang for the cops,a police officer,the police.

Gangsta: Oh snap,the popo are now carrying a fofo....
Gangsta: And to us,that's a big nono!!!

by GAME50 October 8, 2005

1325πŸ‘ 692πŸ‘Ž


Usually a group of dirty buildings made for really poor/homeless people to live in. Projects are dangerous,very dirty,filled with gangsters,drug dealers,pimps,hookers and such. The first set of projects made(Starret City,made in 1963) where made for Blacks to live in,but over the years people of all races started to live in projects.

New York's worst set of projects is in Brooklyn, called Starret City. New Orleans's worst is the Caliope Projects. Californias is the Pork & Beans Projects.

by GAME50 October 10, 2005

1813πŸ‘ 777πŸ‘Ž

Bedford Stuyvesant

Mainly a Black Community, Bedford Stuyvesant, or Bed-Stuy is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Today, Bedford Stuyvesant is a real bad neighborhood to be and to live in. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of 2005, declared Bed-Stuy the most dangerous, dirty, and highest crime rate neighborhood out of Brooklyn. Over the last year, Bedford Stuyvesant has gotten a little bit better and very few parts a little cleaner. Bed-Stuy is also bordered by Canarsie, East New York, New Lots and is not to far from the Brooklyn Border.

Everyday, I take the L-Train to Bedford Stuyvesant to get to my school.

by GAME50 November 9, 2005

73πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Tyra Banks

A sexy black supermodel that won the "Americas Top Model". She now hosts a show named "Tyra" and also sings and acts.

Tyra Banks is mad hot.

by GAME50 October 10, 2005

156πŸ‘ 278πŸ‘Ž


A ghetto neighborhood in north Brooklyn, and was once considered the worst town in America. Bushwick is known for the Crips, and is dirty, dangerous, dirty, and unpleasant to live in. The neighborhood is also mostly a Black Community, though the western side has a lot of Hispanics and Russians.

I was rollin' thorugh Bushwick the other day, and noticed that it's mad hood.

by GAME50 November 9, 2005

108πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž