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your mum on toast

A humerous and witty retort aimed at people who offend you using the popular slang "your mum" which can have deep and hurtful meanings to the receiver often resulting in them getting annoyed and wanting to fight.

This line asks the receiver to visualise their own mother ona slice of toast, often with side fillings such as cheese , the funnier more extreme the better.

"Your mum!"
"Yeh? well your fuckin mum on toast with cheese and lettuce smothered in tomato sauce!"

"hey dude you fuckin suck"
"Your mum on toast bitch"

by GF June 28, 2006

81πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

don't touch what you can't afford

What was once the ultimate put down. The strongest diss you could say to somebody who was annoying you by being physical with something you own.

Starting off with expensive things that other poor kids couldn't afford, this was a snobbish insult used by richer kids who had the flashest new gear and one of the poorer kids wanted to touch it as they could never afford somethign so extravagent. This was in fear of the poorer kids leaving germs or nits on the item leaving the richer kid fucked later on. This would put them in their place and the poor kids would know their place in society.

However, things started to get a bit out of hand circa 1997. The diss spread wildly across Britain's schools and soonn became used in day to day conversations heard in the playground; the cheaper the tackier the item the better the insult. It was a witty way of saaying "you're so poor that..." but without having to use the brainpower to think of an item and and it would leave people hurt inside.

Soon enough people found a way of responding to this comment which was to get your wallet out and show you have enough money to indeed afford the item, thus making the person who used it look silly and make their point completely void. Soon after this was discovered people stopped using it, and thus sending a classic diss to the history books along with "your mum gives head for bread" and other such insults.

Person 1 "Hey, Let me have a look at that pen."
Person 2 "Oi, don't touch what you can't afford!"
Person 1 "Damn...you didn't have to go there."

by GF February 16, 2007

42πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The 143 is a brand of bus found in Manchester of the Oxford/Wilmslow Road variety. It is a feared bus as it is cleverly discuised as a 142 bus due to its insistence of being a Magic Bus and thus can easily fool pissed students on their way home from a night in the town at 3 o'clock of the AM variety.

On its way into Manchester the 143 can be caught by anyone and therefore people who wouldn't get the 143 back would get it there. On its way back from Manchester it runs the same route as the 142 bus but only as far as the Palatine Road variety. Then it goes down Palatine at which point people realise they are are on a 143 and can lead many people from the Didsbury division of the Wilmslow Road variety have to catch another bus or walk home.

Nobody knows where the 143 travels to out of Manchester as nobody has ever got the bus for that purpose thus causing a pandemonium outside Job Centre Plus which would look like good evidence against unemployment rates. It is rumoured to be travelling back to the treacherous swamp from wence it was born.

Ahmed: "Is that a 142, lad?"
Swann: "No, it's a 143"
Ahmed: "Damn"

"Ahhh fuck we got on a 143!"

"Shit, it's 5am and there's no buses we might have to actually catch a 143 instead of waiting for the 142"

by GF November 18, 2006

42πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


A word made popular around Manchester by Richard Keane.

1. The traditional meaning of this term refers to a male human being, usually somebody who is quite young or younger than the person saying it such as a child.

2. Same as above but used in a derogatory way to put somebody in their place for talking to their superiors in a bad way.

3. Used as a sign of affection between two males addressing each other.

1. "Dorothy's lad's growing up fast."

2. "Don't give me cheek, lad."

3. "Alright lad?"

by GF August 23, 2004

79πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

schoolboy error

The most basic of errors. An error so simple, and avoidable, that anyone with an ounce of credibility or experience in that field should not be commiting it. A mistake that should only be made by school boys still in training for that particular task. Especially used when referring to playing games of pool in pubs, or occasionally during snooker. Schoolboy error can be heard ringing out by jeering onlookers if for instance a participant missed a sitter = he should have potted it as it as so simple, that thereforehe is reduced to the level of a lowly school boy playing his dad for the first time.

And here comes Keane for the winner....Oooooooh and he's missed, and left the black right over the pocket for Swann to tap in...
Schoolboy error!

by GF November 2, 2007

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tart in a bottle

Slang term for Newcastle Brown Ale

"jesus christ, he's got the tart in a bottle out."

by GF May 1, 2005

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Alternative Comedy

Comedy that is popular amongst students. Sometimes is very avant-garde and ususally not funny at all.

Crap comedian "Is it me, or do all pensioners stink of piss?"

Student louts "Ha!!!!! He's so funny!!" "Now THAT'S alternative comedy at it's finest!"

Normal person "Jesus christ"

by GF October 7, 2005

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