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classic mate

An expression used to describe an occurence which inspires awe. Usually pronounced in a deep nasal voice.

"You rolled a fat one. Classic mate!"

by Gaff November 3, 2005

2👍 1👎


Noun used to describe a woman with a gorgeous body but unfortunately with a face that looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

"Man, she has one hot body"

by Gaff November 9, 2005

151👍 38👎

Toilet Snooker

Only possible by a male, 'toiler snooker' is the occurence while defecating of hitting ones testicles with a stool which is curling around past the gooch; similar in action to that of a snooker cue on a ball.

"Why are you taking so long honey?"
"I'm playing toilet snooker darling!"

by Gaff December 17, 2006